Monday, November 19, 2007

John Returns to America!

There has been a change of plans with John coming home. He is now meeting me here in Colorado!! Then we will fly back to California together.
I happy I get to see him sooner, but I wish I had a day with house before he came home. It is just the cat there, so I am hoping it will not be too bad. Although, my cat-sitter said that he got mad threw everything off my desk and diningroom table. Poor kitty is lonely.
He will have to be alone a little longer than expected though. Because John is coming here, we will be saying goodbyes to everyone here now. So I extended my trip until a week from tomarrow. That way we have more time here together, so John can see Cole (it will be his first time seeing him) and everyone before we are off. He said he is probably leaving Bahrain tomarrow night, so he should be here Tuesday night or so. Now we will have Thanksgiving together!! After so many holidays apart, it will be strange doing the family-thing together again.

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