Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I bought this plant when we first got here, and it had big gorgeous blooms on it. When they had died, I figured I had killed the plant. I am not very good with flowers, but I cut all the dead stuff off and found a tiny new bloom!!!


Tammie Lee said...

such a lovely flower, always nice to know that we have not killed our plant!

Jenn: said...

Yes, that WAS a nice surprise. Hehe.

Laura said...

So beautiful! Don't you wish they bloomed all year long? You and Sharon have green thumbs!

A New England Life said...

That's the thing with plants Jenn, they love to surprise you!

We have random Petunia's coming up in the yard from last years plants. The seeds must have blown into the grass. It's a beautiful sight, like your flower, that pops up out of nowhere!